Note:  Almost all assignments will be submitted using email.  You will be required to have a gmail account with folders to keep your work in.  I will also grade and keep your work as well.

--5 Novels
we will be reading and discussing and doing projects over the following novels:
*Oliver Twist
*A Million Miles in a Thousand Years
*To Kill A Mockingbird

Each student will spend 15 minutes each week discussing novels, novel journals, and writing during normal class time.  This is a time for each student to verbally show what they have learned in class with me.

You will also be keeping an online journal over each novel which will include notes over class discussions, a summary over what you read each week, 2 quotes that were meaningful to you from the week's reading, and why you chose the quotes.  The journal will also be used to do any novel writing projects.
**You will have weekly quizzes over the pages assigned in the novels with a final at the end.
**Other projects I feel inclined to give you

--Writing Skills
You will learn to write and practice the following types of papers:
*writing prompts
*comparison/contrast papers
*5 paragraph papers
*persuasive papers
*summary/response papers
*reaction papers
*creative writing
*the much-feared research paper (both juniors and seniors) using MLA format (sounds scary)
**Lots of other stuff not listed above

--Greek/Latin Roots
You will learn the definitions of 5 Greek/Latin roots each week and take a test over them the last Language Class each week.  You will not only need to learn the current week's roots, but also remember all previous weeks’ words

--"How to" Speeches
--Informative Speeches
--Expository Speeches

--Novel Notecards
You will use the Novel Notecard book emailed to you to write 2 summaries each week.  You will then be tested over the current notecards as well as all previous notecards on the same day you take your Latin/Greek/Vocab tests.  Look at the Novel Notecard Link to discover how to do the notecards each week.
I will email you an attachment with the novel summaries (85 pages) so you can print them off from week to week.

11/12 English
Class Details