I. Course Information: MAT 197 Intermediate Algebra (3 credits)
II. Semester and Year: Spring 2019
III. Instructor Contact Information: Gary Leiter
Email: cia.leiter@gmail.com or text me at: 805.801.8055
IV. Office Hours: email or text me with questions
V. Course Description:
Prerequisites: A grade of at least a “C” in Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II at the high school level.
Covers radicals, solutions of quadratic equations, graphing of quadratic and other functions, functions and their inverses, and introduction to logarithmic and exponential functions. Also covers applications, systems of equations, , conic sections, sequences, series, and rational expressions.
VI. Course Objectives:
The main objective of Intermediate Algebra is for students to learn and apply the fundamentals of algebraic laws.
VII. Student Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to:
1. Understand basic ideas of Algebra: Expressions, Transforming Expressions, Equations
2. Understand concepts of Function, Equivalent Expressions, Functions and Equations, and Functions and Change
3. Apply concepts of Functions to solve real world problems (Functions and Modeling)
4. Understand Linear Functions, Expressions for Linear Functions, Linear Equations
5. Represent a function(s) graphically
6. Apply concepts of Equations of Lines to solve real world problems (Modeling With Linear
7. Understand concepts of Systems of Linear Equations and its applications to solve real world problems
8. Understand concepts of: Powers Functions, Expressions For Powers Functions,
Equations Involving Powers Functions
9. Apply concepts of Power Functions: Modeling With Power Functions
10. Understand concepts of Composition and Decomposition of Functions
11. Understand the concept of: Shifting and Scaling of Functions and their applications to solve the real world problems
12. Understand the concepts of: Quadratic Functions, Quadratic Equations
13. Solve Quadratic Equations by Factoring
14. Understand the concept of: Exponential Function, Interpreting
the Base, Interpreting the Exponent,
15. Solve Exponential Equations, and apply exponential equations to solve real
world problems (Modeling With Exponential Functions)
16. Understand the concept of Exponential Functions with Base e
17. Understand the concept of Logarithms
18. Solve Logarithmic Equations using Laws of Logarithms
20. Understand Polynomials, Polynomial Equations, and Long-run Behavior of
Polynomial Functions
24. Use equations of parabolas, circles, ellipses, and hyperbolas to solve real world problems
25. Find the first n terms of an arithmetic sequence
26. Find the term and sum of the first nth terms of a geometric sequence and infinite geometric series if it exists.
VIII. Required Texts:
McKeague, C.P. Elementary and Intermediate Algebra 3rd Edition. Belmont, CA: Thomas Brooks/Cole, 2008. ISBN: 978-0-495-38303-1
Students are required to have a scientific calculator (about $10)
Other Ideas Integrated Into The Course
Students will be assigned problem-solving exercises included in the text in each lesson designed to be done in groups, discussed, and increase algebraic skills. Students will also be assigned exercises called “Extending the Ideas” designed to encourage students to go “beyond the text” and experiment with ideas and results to come up with conclusions. Finally, students will choose one mathematical concept from the chapter (a list of concepts will be determined by the teacher) and explain in written form the methodology in solving. This will be kept in their notebooks.
IX. Class Participation:
Students are expected to ask relevant questions, read the material assigned, complete homework and exams. The assignments must be turned in on time for full credit.
X. Course Requirements and Evaluation Criteria
Evaluation Tools:
Homework assignments (48 lessons) 480 points
Quizzes (14—one each Tuesday) 420 points
Chapter Exams (7 chapters) 700 points
Total Points Available1700 points
XII. Student Attendance:
Online and in-class attendance is expected by regularly submitting homework and quizzes/exams. It is your responsibility to withdraw from the class if it is not working out for you. If you do not withdraw and fail to complete work in a timely manner, a grade of “F” will be assigned.
**If you plan on taking the class seriously as part of your college accomplishments, please step up and do the work and do your best. This is your reputation as a student that is being compromised if you do not.
XII. Required Written Work:
Homework/Chapter Notes must be turned in on or before due date for full credit. I expect you to work with classmates on homework assignments and ask me pertinent questions so that you can be successful in the class. Late work will NOT be accepted...please don't ask and expect to be treated "special"
When notes over the lectures/reading is submitted, I expect them to be complete, neat, and orderly. Taking good notes in math is imperative to success in math as it forces you to focus on the entire lesson and what is being taught. Homework must include detailed work along with the answer as learning and following procedures will help you to better understand the process.
XIII. Plagiarism: Cheating and or plagiarism will result in a grade of “F” for the quiz/exam and/or assignment.
XIV. Grading Scale:
A 93-100%
B 83-92
C 70-82
D 60-69
F 0-59
XV. Schedule of Lecture Topics and Assignments:
Unit #1 (Week #1)
7.1; Review of solving problems (7.1; 1-81 every other odd and #’s 87, 89, 95)
7.2; Equations with absolute value (7.2; 1-57 odd)
7.3; Compound inequalities and interval notation (7.3; 1-65 every other odd, 71, 73, 75)
Unit #2 (Week #2)
7.4; Inequalities involving absolute value (7.4; 17-43 odd, 47, 49, 50)
7.5; Review of systems of linear equations in two variables (7.5; 11-47 odd, 53-61 odd, 65-71 odd)
7.6; Systems of linear equations in three variables (7.6; 7-29 odd, 35, 37)
Unit #3 (Week #3)
7.7; Linear inequalities in two variables (7.7; 13-27 odd, 41, 43, 45, 47-51 all)
7.8; Systems of linear inequalities (7.8; 1-21 odd, 25-33 all)
8.1; The slope of a line (8.1; 1-23 odd, 31-37 all)
Unit #4 (Week #4)
Chapter 7 Test
8.2; The equation of a line (8.2; 15-43 every other odd, 47-59 odd)
8.3; Introduction to functions (8.3; 1-35 odd)
Unit #5 (Week #5)
8.4; Function notation (8.4; 1-51 odd)
8.5; Algebra and composition with functions (8.5; 1-51 every other odd, 55)
8.6; Variation (8.6; 13-35 odd, 35, 45, 49)
Unit #6 (Week #6)
Chapter 8 Test
9.1; Rational exponents (9.1; 1-79 every other odd, 81-93 odd)
9.2; More expressions involving rational exponents (9.2; 1-77 every other odd)
Unit #7 (Week #7)
9.3; Simplified form for radicals (9.3; 1-95 every other odd, 99, 101)
9.4; Addition and subtractions of radical expression (9.4; 1-49 every other odd, 51-63 odd, 81-87 odd)
9.5; Multiplication and division of radical expression (9.5; 13-47 every other odd, 61-95 every other odd, 105, 107)
Unit #8 (Week #8)
9.6; Equations with radicals (9.6; 23-81 every other odd, 87-91 odd)
9.7; Complex numbers (9.7; 15-77 every other odd, 79)
10.1; Completing the Square (10.1; 1-59 every other odd, 55-71 odd)
Unit #9 (Week #9)
Chapter 9 Test
10.2; The quadratic formula (10.2; 1-17 odd, 29-49 every other odd, 61-67 odd)
10.3; Additional items involving solutions to equations (10.3; 7-51 every other odd)
Unit #10 (Week #10)
10.4; Equations quadratic in form (10.4; 1-19 odd, 21-53 every other odd, 55, 57 )
10.5; Graphing parabolas (10.5; 1-27 odd, 31-37 odd)
10.6; Quadratic inequalities (10.6;1-55 every other odd)
Unit #11 (Week #11)
11.1; Exponential functions (11.1; 1-33 every other odd)
11.2; The inverse of a function (11.2; 1-35 odd)
Chapter 10 Test
Unit #12 (Week #12)
11.3; Logarithms are exponents (11.3; 1-79 every other odd)
11.4; Properties of logarithms (11.4; 1-43 odd)
11.5; Common logarithms and natural logarithms (11.5; 1-59 odd)
Unit #13 (Week #13)
11.6; Exponential equations and change of base (11.6; 1-39 every other odd, 43-47 odd)
12.1; The circle (12.1; 1-43 odd)
12.2; Ellipses and hyperbolas (12.2; 1-47 odd)
Unit #14 (Week #14)
Chapter 11 Test
12.3; Second-degree inequalities and nonlinear systems (12.3; 1-33 odd)
13.1; Sequences (13.1; 1-47 every other odd, 51, 53)
Unit #15 (Week #15)
13.2; Series (13.2; 1-47 odd)
13.3; Arithmetic sequences (13.3; 1-35 odd)
Chapter 12 Test
Unit #16 (Week #16)
13.4; Geometric sequences (13.4; 1-49 every other odd, 51, 55)
13.5; The binomial expansion (13.5; 1-55 every other odd)
Unit #17 (Week #17)
Final Exam Chapters 8-13